What is Healthier Together?

Healthier Together is AHS's way of working with communities, health services, schools, and workplaces to transform the spaces around us so everyone can be as healthy as possible. 

Our health is shaped by the places where we live, learn, work, play and heal. At Healthier Together, we believe the solutions for our most pressing health conditions are ours to create. 

Use the information on this website to learn more, take action, get inspired and find support in your community.

This site contains general information. For specific health questions, please ask your health care provider.

Explore how communities, health services, schools and workplace settings can create healthier choices for everyone and health outcomes that are fairer.


Healthy communities have an astonishing ability to build on their strengths and focus on their priorities. They ensure everyone has fair access to healthy options they can afford. They also make it easier for people to work together and support each other.

Learn more about the Community setting

Health Services

You probably think of health care as something you only need when you’re sick or injured. But your health care system is another important place for helping you get—and stay—as healthy as possible. It’s also a place that can promote the health of workers and the many visitors who pass through the doors.

Learn more about the Health Services setting


Schools are a foundation for good health. Every day, they make a difference in the lives of kids and teens. Schools provide safe and caring spaces for students to learn and grow. Health and learning are closely connected. Students who go to school feeling well are ready to learn and more likely to be successful. We all have a role to play in healthy schools!

Learn more about the Schools setting


About 70% of adults living in Alberta spend the majority of their day at work. So the workplace is another important setting for creating a culture of health. Healthy workplaces are a win-win. Organizations that invest in healthier work environments reap the benefit in terms of more committed workers and a stronger bottom line.

Learn more about the Workplace setting

The Healthier Together Network

The Healthier Together Network showcases trusted, easy-to-use health and wellness resources from Provincial Population & Public Health, AHS. Health experts and partners incorporate feedback from users across Alberta to make sure that information is accurate and up-to-date.

  • Alberta Quits - Find the best information for you based on how you feel about quitting smoking right now.
  • Do Bugs Need Drugs - Teaching proper handwashing and appropriate use of antibiotics to support infection prevention.
  • Healthy Parents, Healthy Children - Providing a practical guide to pregnancy and being a parent.
  • HPV Vaccine Decision Tool -  Answering questions about HPV and helping you make informed decisions about the HPV Vaccine 
  • Immunization - Helping people make informed decisions about immunization and vaccines. 
  • Ready Or Not Alberta - Promoting healthy lifestyles during the preconception period of 18–44 years of age. 
  • Screening For Life - Helping people make informed decisions about cancer screening. 
  • Teaching Sexual Health - Supporting teachers and parents in teaching sexual health to children and teens. 

Contact us

For general website inquiries: healthier.together@albertahealthservices.ca

Healthier Together Schools: healthy.schools@ahs.ca

Healthier Together Workplaces: workplacehealth@ahs.ca

Healthier Together Communities: healthy.communities@ahs.ca

Alberta Quits: TVCP@ahs.ca